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Three Line Poetry


Three Line Poetry has been publishing issues since 2011. Each issue features both new and established poets. We consider publishing all forms of three line poems.

It's still free to submit!

Many excellent journals charge fees for either online or offline submissions (or both). We all understand those funds are needed to send contributors a copy, or otherwise generate income. More than 70% of journals today do not pay anything. These types of practices are understandable, but frustrating to writers. Fortunately, Three Line Poetry submissions are still free.


All journals have some financial strategy to stay afloat, and those decisions are often difficult trade-offs.
What are our trade-offs?


  • We don't require writers to pay anything to submit.
  • We are in the minority of journals that DO actually pay cash (via PayPal because it's easy and popular).
  • Issues are free to read online.


  • We cannot afford to send free paperback issues to contributors.
  • Token payments are small.

    Submission Guidelines

    By submitting, you are acknowledging these terms:

    1. By submitting, you are asserting your work is available to print and has not been previously printed elsewhere. You may exploit your poetry in any way you wish without contacting us in the future.*

    2. You affirm your submission is your own creation and no part of your submission is in the public domain.

    3. You may submit up to 3 poems each issue.

    4. Issues are free to read online. Paperback copies are an optional purchase. Publishing poets is hard work and costs money. Please understand that we are not a university press, and we cannot afford to give away free paperback issues to contributors. We support you by providing all our services for free, including reading and publishing.

    5. We DO offer cash payments (a token payment) to contributors (paid shortly after paperback publication).

    6. You may withdraw any submission automatically prior to acceptance by logging into the submission manager. Once accepted, you will need to contact us to withdraw a submission.

    * TLP is an online journal utilizing dynamic content pages. This means that every website visitor to our online issues is essentially spawning a fresh view of the poems in that issue. This kind of modern technology complicates the publishing language found in contracts and guidelines that date back over a hundred years. What constitutes "publishing?" For this reason, we simply share (with the poets) the rights to the poems published here. If you submit a poem and it is accepted for publication, you still retain the right to exploit your poem in any way you wish, including reprinting it or even self publishing. You can sell the non-exclusive right to publish your poem to someone else, like another publisher or journal. You don't need to ask us in advance.


  • We do not charge you to submit your work.
  • We do not charge a reading fee for general submissions.
  • We prefer you limit your submissions to 3 per issue.
  • Remember to separate your submissions.
  • Simultaneous submissions are fine.
  • One token payment allowed per issue.
  • Token payments are currently $1.50 for everyone, and $10.00 for submissions marked as "Editor's Choice."
  • Cash payments are paid by PayPal to any address you designate.

  • We prefer submissions using our submission manager. However, we still accept submissions by mail.

    To submit by mail, follow these directions:
    Include up to 3 submissions on separate sheets without contact info.
    Include your contact info on a cover page with your bio.
    Include a SASE for notices - or your email address.
    Submissions will not be returned without sufficient postage.

    Mail to:
    Prolific Press Inc.
    Three Line Poetry Editor
    P.O. Box 5315
    Johnstown, PA 15904


    Submission Manager V.1.12 ©2014 Prolific Press Inc.